Monday, 27 November 2017

BumpH2T: Pregnancy Massage at the Chamomile Sanctuary Spa

One of the best things about any visit to the Chamomile Sanctuary Spa in Edinburgh, is seeing all the lovely staff. Justine the owner clearly takes so much time in selecting the right team and their knowledge and skills always speak volumes about the ethos of the spa. This was my first visit with Lola who was in charge of my first ever pregnancy massage, and she made it such a fantastic experience. Chamomile  is such a favourite of mine as the standard there is just so high both in terms of therapist but also just the all round atmosphere, it really is such a calming, beautiful and tranquil place to be. Sadly not all spas actually deliver on that all important relaxation!

I was in a fluffy robe and sipping herbal tea before I knew it, and Lola gave me the full run down on what a pregnancy massage can actually do for a mamma to be. Aches and pains and general discomfort certainly come with the territory as well as a pretty tired mind too. A massage like this is ideal for helping create some relaxation and help work towards ironing out some of those niggling pains too. Not everywhere can offer a decent pregnancy treatment as they do require a bit of a set up in order to be able to do the treatment safely. You shuffle yourself on to a bed as normal just with the addition on a big cushion with all the right spaces for you to get a bump and an ever-growing chest into. Lola then propped my legs up with additional cushions to allow for maximum comfort and blood flow and we settled into working on my creaky back and hips.

post massage glow!
Having slept so poorly for recent weeks getting into position was utter heaven, so as she started to work, I was already away in bliss. She explained to me what kinds of products should and shouldn't be used on pregnant women so I was going to be having rose and geranium from Aromatherapy Associates used on my skin to help with elasticity ( yes please) and providing a balancing scent which I also definitely needed. It felt so magical as it was worked methodically into my skin and it was literally a head to toe treatment, as no part of me was left out. Moving my limbs in just the way they clearly needed and working away a lot of the stresses I had been feeling, made this a beautiful treatment. Helping me move on to my front and further propping up the appropriate points to keep my comfortable, Lola was excellent at paying attention to what I needed and it makes such a difference. I didn't even realise how much I had needed a massage until I was in that moment and noticed just how many different parts of my body had actually been suffering!

I left the spa on an absolute cloud which is just what a good treatment should do for you, I can't recommend a pregnancy massage enough, if you have someone who could benefit this Christmas, they will definitely thank you!

You can contact the spa on 0131 220 1000

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