If you missed my experience at my consultation with the non-surgical team at Transform you can catch up on how it went here. After my chat I was super excited to actually give the Obagi Blue Radiance Peel a go as having read up on Obagi products in the past thanks to their amazing reviews to do with treating pigmentation, I knew that I was in for a treat. My skin has been really bothered with spots recently and the Blue Radiance Peel is designed to help with any post acne scarring by helping remove colourations ( alongside spots and wrinkles too!) The chemicals used essentially burn off the top layers of the skin to encourage the needed cell renewal to reveal brighter and clearer skin from below which is exactly what I was after. This is the most gentle of the peels on offer but still super effective thanks to the blends of acids it incorporates ( salicylic acid is the key component).
As always I was made to feel super relaxed and at ease in the clinic and Marie was amazing at answering my questions and talking me through exactly what to expect with a peel like this. These peels can feel quite hot on the skin and as people experience pain in different ways it is really good to get a full run down of the possible things I might be aware of while it is all happening. I settled onto the bed and she used Obagi products to thoroughly cleanse my skin and then applied a protective barrier cream to my lips and eyebrows along with an eye protecting cover to get me ready for the first layer of peel to be applied. Going on for only 60 seconds, the first application is applied to the face and brings a rush of heat, nothing too wild at all but it is definitely there and as she had warned me the smell is very strong ( the chemicals ) so I wasn't taking in any massive deep breaths through my nose but the heat subsides really quickly and all I was left with was a little tickle in the back of my throat.
Cleansed skin on day of peel/ cleansed skin 7 days on from peel |
Immediately I could see that my skin was looking better already- a lot of my sore looking spots looked far less fierce and I had a much brighter complexion. I had my peel on a Thursday night and by Saturday I was experiencing the peeling effect I had been told about, only really in the sensitive areas of around my nose and chin. It is nothing major- kind of like having been sun-burnt, but I had been warned to try and leave it and not pick at it- IMPOSSIBLE to a picker like me! I relied on a bit of the La Roche Posay Effeclar H I had in my cabinet at this point and it certainly meant I could apply my make up without too much distracting peeling. It is a possible after effect to be aware of however- I wouldn't go getting it done right before a big event! A couple more days of slight peeling happened but it remained in these areas and was manageable, in all I would allow for 7 days for any peeling to go away although mine was not properly noticeable after 3. After the week my peeling had completely gone and it was then I noticed how incredibly soft my skin was and looking far brighter.
7 days from peel with light layer of BB Cream on |
An Obagi Blue Radiance Peel will set you back £70 with discounts available on a package of three peels and can be booked with Transform on 0800 655 6406
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