Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Introducing: Universkin

 In a saturated market of often repackaged, re-marketed, samey products it is really refreshing when something really innovative like Universkin crosses my path. Learning more about the company and their product I was sitting thinking- DUH- why aren't we always looking for something exactly like this?? It felt so glaringly obvious when sitting right in front of me!

La Belle Forme are always sure to be offering people the most innovative and cutting-edge treatments and this is their latest addition. Universkin is based on the idea of old-fashioned apothecary style skincare and allows for a completely bespoke skin care product to be made and mixed in front of you. You create your own AM and PM serum combining all the active ingredients your skin needs based on an in-depth questionnaire and guidance from a trained therapist. I honestly couldn't get over how much sense it made to me while I was sitting going through the questions, pretty much all of us are combination skins in some way or another yet we often just focus on one of the areas or go off using multiples products causing more grief in the long run.

My lovely therapist Cristina explained the whole system to me, she would take my answers to the survey alongside asking me another details she needed for further clarification and then would write me up a prescription of exactly what key ingredients my skin requires. It was amazing that it wasn't until filling out my forms that I really sat and thought about where my skin was at right now and which of its issues were most prominent and important to how I feel. I think that is a great part of the Universkin process, actually taking time out to think about how much of a problem certain aspects of my skin actually are as opposed to just flinging all sorts at it. It allowed me to decide which parts I would like to try and improve first which is a much better route for clear skin. 

Once we had discussed what ingredients Cristina thought were best suited for my skin needs right now, it was time for the fun part- mixing up my bespoke serum. I love the whole concept of the process, watching each of my special ingredients be whirred into my base serum was amazing and allowed for a real transparency in what you are getting. The base (known as Nexultra P) is not an oily cream but more a nude texture that has organic Camelina oil, peptides and the all important Hyaluronic Acid. I was delighted to leave with two serums all ready to use and I am super excited to trial them out and see how my skin does.

I was really impressed with my appointment and loved the process of having my personalised serums made. I love the idea that after you are finished your first serums you can then choose to tweak your prescription to what your skin is needing at that time which allows for a bespoke approach all year round.  I was also surprised with the prices as for a personalised service it was more reasonable that I envisaged ( I know everyone has a different idea of what is reasonable of course!), with prices starting from £50. I am really excited to get using my AM and PM treatments and see what it does for some of my skin issues and will be back to fill you in when I am done.

To  book in for a Universkin appointment you can call La Belle Forme on 0141 552 0828

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