Monday, 13 June 2011


I have some news I have been dying to share with you all but thought I better wait....

But now I am just TOO excited to hold it in, I bought a flat! Yup I am about to be a homeowner, a big scary grown up with a mortgage! Totally terrifying and was a stressful couple of weeks but it is all done now ( although I might not unclench until I have some keys in my hand!)

              Bedroom 1

Look! I know you can't really tell much,but I am going to make it nice and homey on an incredibly small budget as I am now completely penniless! Behind the door here is really the reason I bought it- hello little walk in wardrobe! Not quite the Clueless/Carrie dream but close enough for me and means I can hide lots of my crap :) And there is another bedroom for me to chuck the boy into when he is annoying me- HURRAH!

So there you go, I only just decided to do this a couple of weeks ago, then it was a mad dash to sort through everything on the market and find something suitable and then this beauty came along.Now my head is now awash with things to think of, such as finding a shed load of furniture, how on earth do blinds get fitted, where do you find nice cheap wallpaper and other such like important things!

Moving flat ( again!) does mean de cluttering and I do have a big load of leftover blog sale stuff, duplicates and swatched once and I think the best use for it all is to throw it in a mega giveaway so keep your eyes peeled and I will get it on here soon.

Hope everyone had a fab weekend,

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