Thursday, 23 June 2011

Honey I'm Home!

I have my new flat on the brain right now I am afraid everyone, there are so many fiddly legal things to get my head round and dates to arrange that I literally cannot think of much else! I apologise now for the lack of usual posts- I just have not had the time and am instead trying to juggle an incredibly tight budget to get some actual furniture for the new flatg! Now I can't afford to do anything like the ones below, but a girl can dream right?!

I am looking forward to one day having some money again! and being able to put a real stamp on the place but for now it will definitely be a mix of borrowed bits and bobs from kindly friends and family and the odd little charity shop/gumtree/Ikea bargain thrown in! I am waiting to hear about getting my keys but if all goes to plan that is only going to be a month away- I am realising now how ridiculously impatient I am- I WANT THEM NOW!

Hope everyone is having a far more productive week than I am :)

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