Thursday, 6 January 2011


I know I am pretty late in getting this up but I have been away visiting HP and her family in London for New Year. It was so good to ring in the New Year with her, and we made it good fun in the hospital. Decorating pottys for hats and her Dad made a huge quiz to do. I was absolutely terrible and did not help my team one bit but it was so much fun. HP did so well in hospital, it was a terrible few weeks for her but now she is finally out, she is still in London but will home really soon- So excited!

After two weeks of sheer indulgence I now feel like a big fat spotty pig, oh dear. So as of next week it is back to the gym, out with the chocolate and trying to get my skin back to some kind of normal. It may take some time....

Here's a selection of snaps of the past couple of weeks to catch you up. We went on an overnight sleeper train to London and it was SO exciting. I loved it, like a proper adventure, a little room with a little bed and a sink and a bar on the train, I was in my element- I barely slept a wink! 

                                                  The boyf and the little brother getting 'close'

                                                    Getting ready for dinner- yummmmm

                       Catching up the Ladies from home with an intense game of Empires

                                Mucking around waiting for an underground to come

                                Getting far too excited to be on a sleeper train!

                                               Ally loving the comfy bed

                    Me adoring the big breakfast we got brought- I didn't want to leave!

I really hope everyone had a lovely time and I wish you all the health, love and happiness in 2011.

I am going to announce the winner of my big giveaway later on today so keep your eyes peeled to see if you were lucky :)

Much love


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