Thursday, 27 January 2011

My Grandad, My hero.

Yesterday my dad called with the devastating news my dear Grandad has passed away. He has always been the biggest hero to me, I absolutely worshipped and adored him so the very sudden news has hit me pretty hard. He doesn't seem to have suffered much pain if any, and I know now he is safe in the arms of the my Grandma who he was so crushed to lose a few year ago. I wont be on blogger for a little bit I dont think, I have come straight home to be with my family.

I remember when I sat with him as tried to write the card to put on my Grandmas flowers for her funeral, his hands were shaking really bad so he had to keep re -doing it, but he knew exactly what he wanted to write. Today it sums up just what I want to say to him if I could see him one last time.

I'll be loving you, always.


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