Friday 17 December 2010

Times like these

It has been a really busy couple of weeks, I am sorry I have been so absent, but I have been picking up little goodies for myself to share with you guys which I will hopefully get up here soon. I seriously need a couple more hours in each of my days!

I have had a couple of special times recently and just wanted to share. HP's little sister Teenie, who is one of the sweetest, most enthusiastic and generally immense people you could would want to be around, turned 21and HP being the kindhearted thing that she is wanted to throw her a surprise party as she was due to be in London on her actual birthday. So that's what we did, threw a big surprise party at the house for her, with all her friends and family there and it was so much fun. She looked so surprised when she switched on the light to find us all there waiting. It was so nice to all be together. I spent the week before making some delightful decorations for the occasion, who knew making little chains with peoples faces on them could be so much fun?

The banners and 'teenie teenies' hanging on the fire.

The card!

The 3 gorgeous sisters Teenie, Hp and Rona

The wonderful Macleods

The amazing cake

It was such a good weekend, doesn't HP look INCREDIBLE in her blonde wig. Total bombshell! The whole family are an amazing bunch, so considerate and caring, and Mamma Mac is pretty much the best cook in the world. The following weekend we had a special early Christmas night as HP will still be in hospital on the day, it was so much fun. Our big group of friends all headed out the house, we watched the X factor final, ate our weight in turkey and all the trimmings and HP and I handed out some pressies. It was really lovely to all get to spend a relaxed evening together before HP had to head to London. Saying goodbye was really hard as I miss her so much already and know she is facing some incredibly tough times in the hospital right now, but I am heading to see her on the 29th and I can't wait.

Before everyone came out for our early Christmas night HP and I were lucky to spend a few hours with out treasured little Stef. Her and her lovely boyfriend Tom have been away living in Vietnam for the past 7 months and we have missed them so so much. Sadly they are now going through a really tough time themselves just now, but I know they are going to power through it and will be back on their travels in no time. It is so good to have them back safe and sound, it was so good to spend some time together.

Aren't Stef and Tom gorgeous?

There seems to be so much sad and painful stuff happening to my nearest and dearest right now,pain which I wish I could whisk them away from. It is times like these I really take stock of the good around us and how lucky I am to have them all in my life, I can't help but feel incredibly blessed. I know 2011 will be a year of healing and a time to plan for all the adventures ahead of them.

Much love to everyone,


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