Thursday, 17 September 2015

Glasgow Reviewed; Fixing pigmentation with La Belle Forme

Around 18 months ago I posted about my amazing experience at La Belle Forme in Glasgow. A couple of sessions with these guys and the hyper pigmentation and melasma that I had long suffered with was lasered away and the results have continued to blow my mind. My results post also happens to be my most popular of all time and the one I get emails and questions about regularly and with so many people wanting to know how it was I thought I would link back to how laser treatments were my saviour.  I had tried numerous creams and treatments before finding La Belle Forme and it would have saved me a fortune if I had known the kind of treatment that might actually work, so I wanted to highlight for readers who might not have seen it before, might be in the same position and are not sure where to even start trying to clear something like this.

my skin before any lasers and a snap taken a couple of months ago ( pre infection scars currently)
I had suffered for a few years of darkening spots on my  skin ( due mainly to the contraceptive pill) and they had slowly but surely really affected my confidence as the darker patches took over the majority of my face and were harder and harder to cover. I had no idea just how much it was bothering me really until after my laser treatments- my skin was so much clearer and my confidence took a massive spike that I hadn’t really been expecting.  The whole process although slightly painful ( but over quickly and completely manageable), only requires a very small amount of down time and really provides lasting results that I am still so thankful for now.
my skin before any lasers and a snap taken a couple of months ago ( pre infection scars currently)
The kind of results these guys can help achieve has been on my mind a lot recently since my confidence has once again taken a tumble, still skin related but this time the result of some returning adult acne and an unfortunate couple of infections on my skin that has left me with a large number of pink fresh scars. I am now looking at options to try and correct these and will definitely be heading in to hear their professional opinions of the smartest way to tackle these new frustrating problems. I know I am not alone in suffering from these problems given the amount of tweets and emails I have had when discussing spots on social media! The attitude and approach of the team at La Belle Forme has had such a lasting effect on me that when looking to find someone I trust to point me in the right direction, I haven't had to think twice. The atmosphere they have created in  their Merchant City clinic is a credit to the health and beauty scene in Scotland and I can’t wait to head in and catch up with the lovely team.

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