Monday, 26 January 2015

Lowering my skin age with Skinceuticals

Before hitting the chocolate like a mad man in December my skin was looking in damn good nick thanks to a few skinceuticals products that were specially chosen for me by the team at the Elanic clinic in Glasgow. You can read all about my visit here but to bring you up to speed they took a look at my skin using their fancy visia scanner which analyses it in various areas and then uses its huge database to find out your true skin age, which for me was a whopping 39! They then used the info to prescribe a routine to follow for 3 months to try and bring this down and improve the look and texture of your skin which I was obviously needing.

I left with the Skinceuicals advanced pigment corrector, the blemish and age defense treatment and a little bottle of something called CE Ferulic and have been blown away with the results from using these- but you are just going to have to read on to see if they helped lower that initial result....

First up is the advanced pigment corrector, designed to be used twice a day this is a  cream product that is perfectly dispensed from a solid tube with a pump, it is not heavy at all and spreads easily across the face. It felt light to wear and was absolutely fine underneath moisturiser and make up. Although you dont need much this ran out after about 10 weeks so you don't get loads however I was really taken with the results from this so I am looking at replacing it now. I found the difference it made in the tone of my skin was huge and I only really noticed that when I was done with it and the effect wasn't there any more. Before using these products  my skin was definitely far more uneven and unclear and as this was the one I have used for less time I know it was making a big  difference. As with most of these products you have to be mindful of applying an SPF in the morning and I found no issue with layering these AM products at all which I was worried I might.

Alongside the corrector two times a day was the Blemish and Age defense which is an oil free serum in a glass bottle with a dropper. This isn't a thick or gel like serum as the name might suggest but more a thin and light treatment that I apply like a skin oil and a really small amount goes a long long way.Designed to reduce excess sebum and acne causing bacteria while fighting blotchiness and helping skin tone- this little beauty seems to have done all of that for me. In this 3 month period I didn't have any spots, not one, which is a big difference for me. Added to this the overall improvement in brightness with using the products and my skin has been at a level that I have never experienced before which is a big confidence boost. Like with the corrector I found that when I stopped ( Christmas threw my routine right off) my skin was no where near as good so I was right back on this come January to help bring it back around. The little bottle will last you ages as well, I have had mine around 5 months now and that is it nearing the end- weep!

Last but by no means least is the most expensive of the products ( an eye watering £130) the not so catchily named CE Ferulic treatment.Described as a revolutionary antioxidant treatment that neutralizes the free radicals that cause ageing, this is like the Blemish and Age defense in terms of consistency and application but is for use in just the morning and is designed to work along side sunscreen to protect against the damage that UVA and UVB can bring. This is the product that everyone in the clinic was raving about and I was most excited to get moving with and now I am almost finished it I can see why! I think this one in particular has really helped soften and brighten my skin and bring around the allover dewy and healthy look that has happened since I started the trio, my pores are not an issue now but really bugged me before and I feel so much happier going make up free. The issue with these two bottle products is due to their cost I am terrified essentially every time I open it to use that I might knock it over and lose some, but apart from that being strict with this routine for 3 months has been really amazing.

Just some of the areas my skin saw massive improvements
I am writing this following about 6 weeks off of using these products now and can report that my skin is no where near as good as it was when doing this trial, I under estimated just how much of a difference using these would make and I miss that fresh, youthful glow I had going into December. I was aware how well these were working when I went back for a follow up scan but did not expect to know off a massive 16 years off my visia results when they were re-done! This was a huge result in those 3 months and I was utterly delighted with it-I adore products that really work and the difference in my results speak volumes. Products like these are real investments but I am a big believer in putting what you can into your skincare to get good results and these are soooo worth it.

yay! youthful skin!
You can buy skinceuticals in the Elanic clinic and the team there can talk you through the products best for your skin. You can contact them on 0141 332 5106. Thanks so much to the team there for taking me on this journey- what a fab bunch!

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