Monday, 3 June 2013

Getting to know: Real Foods

Getting up in the morning is certainly not something I am usually looking forward to, this week however I am actually excited about it! That makes me sound totally crazy I know, but it’s because all this week I am trying out different types of muesli thanks to the lovely team over at Real Foods and they all sound so delicious it is impossible not to rush out of bed.

I mentioned before that I am doing an open university short course in nutrition right now as It is something I have become super interested in the last couple of years, I love looking up healthy recipes and alternatives to food and discovering new things to try. I came across Real Foods when hunting for various products I was keen to try at a decent price and based in the UK as I had been previously having some things sent over from the US and thanks to custom charges and long waits it really wasn't ideal. When I came across the Real Foods site I was thrilled, they have all the things I have been looking for, and so many more ( my wish list is MASSIVE!) and even more exciting is that they are based right here in Scotland, with fab looking stores in Edinburgh. Coming across them was definitely fate as over on their facebookthey were looking for people to try out some products so of course I jumped at the chance!

So as of today I am enjoying a different one of their mueslis every day for the week, I will be posting up some pics on my instagram and twitter so make sure you come and follow me!

I can already tell you Day One has been a huge success- I am utterly stuffed after a bowl of the healthy start muesli with hemp milk. Chocked full of  bran flakes, raisins, honey banana chips and toasted coconut and it is an excellent source of fibre, vitamins and minerals and felt like a really healthy boost at the start of the day.

I can’t believe I am looking forward to getting up tomorrow already!

This is not a sponsored post at all, muesli is being sent for my review but all opinions are my own and just wanted to share as I know there are lots of other readers really interested in healthy eating who would love these products!

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