Thursday 12 July 2018

BabyH2t: Summer Infant Video Monitor

Hiya pals!

Remember me? I was all "here is my pregnancy journey", then gave you postpartum radio silence. SOZ. That is me slowly catching up with life now and trying to fit in getting posts ready to share but hopefully most have been seeing what I have been up to on Instagram stories. If not you are really missing out on snaps of exciting things....well just the baby and me looking verrrrry tired 24/7 to be fair, but come follow and say hello anyway!!

I thought I would break into blogging gently and share a few items I was sent pre bubs and have been using over the past 4 months. I was lucky to be working with Summer Infant while pregnant by sharing my pregnancy diaries over on their social media, they then sent me a few things for the little man and most of them have become staples. Super handy for us at a time when all your spare cash is tied up in muslins and nappies!

I had first spotted Summer Infant products way back before I started working with them, as they ended up on my amazon wishlist for their easy to use baby swaddles I had spotted. They were much more affordable than the few I had seen and it sucked me right in, turns out they had a whole wealth of exceptionally handy and well priced baby goodies. After experiences with these bits I have already been eyeing up what I will need as he gets bigger as they have performed really well. Apologies in advance for a few stock pics as I had taken lots of fresh out the box photos pre-baby and like a good overwhelmed new mother I cannot find them among the 4k of photos that have occurred since...argh!! 


I think my favourite (although not Arthur's favourite, I will share that next), item I have used has been the wide view video monitor. Having moved into a house last year we were wary that we would want to be able to enjoy some evening time downstairs with the baby settled in position in our room so getting a video monitor was on our list of priorities. However I had no idea where to start with comparing the various on the market. This set has ticked all the boxes and performed excellently, it has given us a little evening freedom along with loads of peace of mind as we can see the wee guy is snoring away quite happily (most of the time...!)

The Summer infant wide digital video monitor includes a 5" colour monitor, enhanced night vision, a temperature display, zoom capability and handy talk-back function which is pretty much everything we were looking for plus the inclusion of the wide angle lens. In the box you get your camera which has a ultra handy long cable and small blue night light feature if you want use it. The head is movable by tilting so it really is as simple as positioning it where you want it and switch it on. It automaically hooks up to the monitor which is a perfect size for baby viewing and you are good to go. I love that your portable monitor can follow you around, and ally is always glued to it. I don't think he actually watches any of the quick episodes we try and get watched before an early bed, as really he just sits staring at the baby!

The monitor is fab as you can change volume, or switch off the screen and just have it so you can hear any crying or movement and the nightmode on it is really fantastic. I was worried the picture would be really fuzzy in the dark but it's clear and can go very loud and has just been a dream to use. Having the talk-back function is obviously fab for shhhhhing the baby from afar if they move but essentially its really handy for either of us to whisper up to the other that dinner is ready or that the kettle is on. Ideal when you are trying not to shout up the stairs!! Features we haven't used yet is that you can wall mount the camera and add other cameras too if needed, we will possibly do either of those when he moves into his own room in only 2 short months-eeek for now though the wide angle on this camera is ideal for us taking in his whole cot.

We went home for our first trip to see my family the other week and didn't take this as we thought we wouldn't need it as it is a small bungalow but we felt so naked, we definitely won't be going without it again!I am super delighted with this from the brand and would definitely recommend for any new parents who are looking at one of these systems. If you haven't come across Summer Infant before then take a peek on their site at the huge range on offer, I don't think we would have survived without the zip swaddles. Up next I will be sharing Arthur's favourite piece from the collection...... 

I was given the video system to give an honest review, all words are my own.

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